webpack-bundle-analyzer 核心实现解析


webpack-bundle-analyzer 是一个插件:通过分析构建产物,最终生成 矩形树图 方便开发者根据项目构建后的依赖关系以及实际的文件尺寸,来进行相应的性能优化。

为什么要研究这个插件?因为纵观当前的几类依赖分析的插件,包括 webpack 自身提供的一个工具 http://webpack.github.io/analyse/ 从可视化的角度来说,都没有 webpack-bundle-analyzer 提供的矩形树图来的直观:

  1. webpack visualizer
  2. webpack chart

以上几个工具都是只分析 stats.json 暴露的内容来生成图表。

而 webpack-bundle-analyzer 和他们之间的区别在于借助 acorn ,通过分析构建产物来得出模块依赖关系,核心实现上其实是脱离了 webpack 的能力,但由于是分析 webpack 的构建产物,因而要对打包出来的 js 内容的组装结构需要了解,随着 webpack 的不断升级,产物结构也会随之发生改变,因而需要不断的兼容,通过阅读源码以及作者的注释可以看到,webpack v5 的产物已经比较难以分析了


  • Webpack 提供的 stats 属性中 modulechunkassets的含义。
  • acorn:一个完全使用 Javascript 实现的,小型且快速的 Javascript 解析器 ,AST 抽象语法树相关知识。



首先是遵循 Webpack 插件的写法,在 done 函数里获取到 stats

class BundleAnalyzerPlugin {
    apply(compiler) {
        // 核心实现入口
        const done = (stats, callback) => {/* ... */ }
        // 兼容 webpack 新老版本的写法
        if (compiler.hooks) {
            compiler.hooks.done.tapAsync('webpack-bundle-analyzer', done);
        } else {
            compiler.plugin('done', done);

webpack-bundle-analyzer 插件的数据源取自 stats.toJson() 这个方法,而生成图表数据的函数则是 getViewerData(),下面拆分了解这个函数的具体实现。

1. 确认资源的结构

const _ = require('lodash');
const FILENAME_QUERY_REGEXP = /\?.*$/u;
const FILENAME_EXTENSIONS = /\.(js|mjs)$/iu;

函数入参为 bundleStats

// Sometimes all the information is located in `children` array (e.g. problem in #10)
// assets 为空 && children 存在,这种情况下资源信息都在 children 属性当中
if (_.isEmpty(bundleStats.assets) && !_.isEmpty(bundleStats.children)) {
  const { children } = bundleStats;
  bundleStats = bundleStats.children[0];
  // Sometimes if there are additional child chunks produced add them as child assets,
  // leave the 1st one as that is considered the 'root' asset.
  // 这种情况下 children 数组中的第一个元素当作根节点,children 数组中如果还有 assets,则 push 到 bundleStats.assets 中
  for (let i = 1; i < children.length; i++) {
    children[i].assets.forEach((asset) => {
      asset.isChild = true;
} else if (!_.isEmpty(bundleStats.children)) {
  // Sometimes if there are additional child chunks produced add them as child assets
  bundleStats.children.forEach((child) => {
    child.assets.forEach((asset) => {
      asset.isChild = true;
// Picking only `*.js or *.mjs` assets from bundle that has non-empty `chunks` array
// 过滤出 *.js 和 *.mjs 并且 chunks 不为空的 assets
bundleStats.assets = bundleStats.assets.filter(asset => {
  // Filter out non 'asset' type asset if type is provided (Webpack 5 add a type to indicate asset types)
  if (asset.type && asset.type !== 'asset') {
    return false;

  // Removing query part from filename (yes, somebody uses it for some reason and Webpack supports it)
  // See #22
  asset.name = asset.name.replace(FILENAME_QUERY_REGEXP, '');

  return FILENAME_EXTENSIONS.test(asset.name) && !_.isEmpty(asset.chunks);

拿一个项目来举例,图片里的内容是取自 stats.json() ,上面这段代码最后提取的产物是图中标注的三个对象:

2. 使用 Acorn AST 分析


首先判断 compiler.outputPath 是否存在?存在就用 acorn 库解析 JS 文件,调用 acorn-walkrecursive 方法递归处理解析后的 AST 树🌲。

AST 相关的源码:

const fs = require('fs');
const _ = require('lodash');
const acorn = require('acorn');
const walk = require('acorn-walk');

// 传入路径
function parseBundle(bundlePath) {
    const content = fs.readFileSync(bundlePath, 'utf8');
    // acorn 解析 js 文件内容
    const ast = acorn.parse(content, {
        sourceType: 'script',
        // I believe in a bright future of ECMAScript!
        // Actually, it's set to `2050` to support the latest ECMAScript version that currently exists.
        // Seems like `acorn` supports such weird option value.
        ecmaVersion: 2050

    const walkState = {
        locations: null,
        expressionStatementDepth: 0

    // 递归执行
            // 表达式语句节点
            ExpressionStatement(node, state, c) {
                if (state.locations) return;

                state.expressionStatementDepth++; // expressionStatement 深度 +1

                if (
                    // Webpack 5 stores modules in the the top-level IIFE
                    state.expressionStatementDepth === 1 &&
                    ast.body.includes(node) &&
                ) {
                    const fn = getIIFECallExpression(node);

                    if (
                        // It should not contain neither arguments
                        fn.arguments.length === 0 &&
                        // ...nor parameters
                        fn.callee.params.length === 0
                    ) {
                        // Modules are stored in the very first variable declaration as hash
                        const firstVariableDeclaration = fn.callee.body.body.find(node => node.type === 'VariableDeclaration');

                        if (firstVariableDeclaration) {
                            for (const declaration of firstVariableDeclaration.declarations) {
                                if (declaration.init) {
                                    state.locations = getModulesLocations(declaration.init);

                                    if (state.locations) {

                if (!state.locations) {
                    c(node.expression, state);


            // 赋值表达式节点
            AssignmentExpression(node, state) {
                if (state.locations) return;

                // Modules are stored in exports.modules:
                // exports.modules = {};
                const { left, right } = node;

                if (
                    left &&
                    left.object && left.object.name === 'exports' &&
                    left.property && left.property.name === 'modules' &&
                ) {
                    state.locations = getModulesLocations(right);

            // 函数调用表达式
            CallExpression(node, state, c) {
                if (state.locations) return;

                const args = node.arguments;

                // Main chunk with webpack loader.
                // Modules are stored in first argument:
                // (function (...) {...})(<modules>)
                if (
                    node.callee.type === 'FunctionExpression' &&
                    !node.callee.id &&
                    args.length === 1 &&
                ) {
                    state.locations = getModulesLocations(args[0]);

                // Async Webpack < v4 chunk without webpack loader.
                // webpackJsonp([<chunks>], <modules>, ...)
                // As function name may be changed with `output.jsonpFunction` option we can't rely on it's default name.
                if (
                    node.callee.type === 'Identifier' &&
                    mayBeAsyncChunkArguments(args) &&
                ) {
                    state.locations = getModulesLocations(args[1]);

                // Async Webpack v4 chunk without webpack loader.
                // (window.webpackJsonp=window.webpackJsonp||[]).push([[<chunks>], <modules>, ...]);
                // As function name may be changed with `output.jsonpFunction` option we can't rely on it's default name.
                if (isAsyncChunkPushExpression(node)) {
                    state.locations = getModulesLocations(args[0].elements[1]);

                // Webpack v4 WebWorkerChunkTemplatePlugin
                // globalObject.chunkCallbackName([<chunks>],<modules>, ...);
                // Both globalObject and chunkCallbackName can be changed through the config, so we can't check them.
                if (isAsyncWebWorkerChunkExpression(node)) {
                    state.locations = getModulesLocations(args[1]);

                // Walking into arguments because some of plugins (e.g. `DedupePlugin`) or some Webpack
                // features (e.g. `umd` library output) can wrap modules list into additional IIFE.
                args.forEach(arg => c(arg, state));

    let modules;

    if (walkState.locations) {
        modules = _.mapValues(walkState.locations,
            loc => content.slice(loc.start, loc.end)
    } else {
        modules = {};

    return {
        modules, // 获取 modules
        src: content, // 内容
        runtimeSrc: getBundleRuntime(content, walkState.locations) // 没有包含 modules 的 bundle 产物代码

 * Returns bundle source except modules
function getBundleRuntime(content, modulesLocations) {
    const sortedLocations = Object.values(modulesLocations || {})
        .sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start);

    let result = '';
    let lastIndex = 0;

    for (const { start, end } of sortedLocations) {
        result += content.slice(lastIndex, start);
        lastIndex = end;

    return result + content.slice(lastIndex, content.length);

function isIIFE(node) {
    return (
        node.type === 'ExpressionStatement' &&
            node.expression.type === 'CallExpression' ||
            (node.expression.type === 'UnaryExpression' && node.expression.argument.type === 'CallExpression')

function getIIFECallExpression(node) {
    if (node.expression.type === 'UnaryExpression') {
        return node.expression.argument;
    } else {
        return node.expression;

function isModulesList(node) {
    return (
        isSimpleModulesList(node) ||
        // Modules are contained in expression `Array([minimum ID]).concat([<module>, <module>, ...])`

function isSimpleModulesList(node) {
    return (
        // Modules are contained in hash. Keys are module ids.
        isModulesHash(node) ||
        // Modules are contained in array. Indexes are module ids.

function isModulesHash(node) {
    return (
        node.type === 'ObjectExpression' &&
            .map(node => node.value)

function isModulesArray(node) {
    return (
        node.type === 'ArrayExpression' &&
        node.elements.every(elem =>
            // Some of array items may be skipped because there is no module with such id
            !elem ||

function isOptimizedModulesArray(node) {
    // Checking whether modules are contained in `Array(<minimum ID>).concat(...modules)` array:
    // https://github.com/webpack/webpack/blob/v1.14.0/lib/Template.js#L91
    // The `<minimum ID>` + array indexes are module ids
    return (
        node.type === 'CallExpression' &&
        node.callee.type === 'MemberExpression' &&
        // Make sure the object called is `Array(<some number>)`
        node.callee.object.type === 'CallExpression' &&
        node.callee.object.callee.type === 'Identifier' &&
        node.callee.object.callee.name === 'Array' &&
        node.callee.object.arguments.length === 1 &&
        isNumericId(node.callee.object.arguments[0]) &&
        // Make sure the property X called for `Array(<some number>).X` is `concat`
        node.callee.property.type === 'Identifier' &&
        node.callee.property.name === 'concat' &&
        // Make sure exactly one array is passed in to `concat`
        node.arguments.length === 1 &&

function isModuleWrapper(node) {
    return (
        // It's an anonymous function expression that wraps module
        ((node.type === 'FunctionExpression' || node.type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression') && !node.id) ||
        // If `DedupePlugin` is used it can be an ID of duplicated module...
        isModuleId(node) ||
        // or an array of shape [<module_id>, ...args]
        (node.type === 'ArrayExpression' && node.elements.length > 1 && isModuleId(node.elements[0]))

// 判断是否为 module id
function isModuleId(node) {
    return (node.type === 'Literal' && (isNumericId(node) || typeof node.value === 'string'));

// 判断是否为数字类型 id
function isNumericId(node) {
    return (node.type === 'Literal' && Number.isInteger(node.value) && node.value >= 0);

function isChunkIds(node) {
    // Array of numeric or string ids. Chunk IDs are strings when NamedChunksPlugin is used
    return (
        node.type === 'ArrayExpression' &&

function isAsyncChunkPushExpression(node) {
    const {
        arguments: args
    } = node;

    return (
        callee.type === 'MemberExpression' &&
        callee.property.name === 'push' &&
        callee.object.type === 'AssignmentExpression' &&
        args.length === 1 &&
        args[0].type === 'ArrayExpression' &&
        mayBeAsyncChunkArguments(args[0].elements) &&

function mayBeAsyncChunkArguments(args) {
    return (
        args.length >= 2 &&

function isAsyncWebWorkerChunkExpression(node) {
    const { callee, type, arguments: args } = node;

    return (
        type === 'CallExpression' &&
        callee.type === 'MemberExpression' &&
        args.length === 2 &&
        isChunkIds(args[0]) &&

// 获取模块位置
function getModulesLocations(node) {
    if (node.type === 'ObjectExpression') {
        // Modules hash
        const modulesNodes = node.properties;

        return modulesNodes.reduce((result, moduleNode) => {
            const moduleId = moduleNode.key.name || moduleNode.key.value;

            result[moduleId] = getModuleLocation(moduleNode.value);
            return result;
        }, {});

    const isOptimizedArray = (node.type === 'CallExpression');

    if (node.type === 'ArrayExpression' || isOptimizedArray) {
        // Modules array or optimized array
        const minId = isOptimizedArray ?
            // Get the [minId] value from the Array() call first argument literal value
            node.callee.object.arguments[0].value :
            // `0` for simple array
        const modulesNodes = isOptimizedArray ?
            // The modules reside in the `concat()` function call arguments
            node.arguments[0].elements :

        return modulesNodes.reduce((result, moduleNode, i) => {
            if (moduleNode) {
                result[i + minId] = getModuleLocation(moduleNode);
            return result;
        }, {});

    return {};

function getModuleLocation(node) {
    return {
        start: node.start,
        end: node.end

module.exports = parseBundle;

分别使用到了下面三个函数分析构建后的 js 文件。

ExpressionStatement 表达式语句节点

AssignmentExpression 赋值表达式节点

CallExpression 函数调用表达式



module.exports = test; // test 是一个函数


  "type": "Program",
  "start": 0,
  "end": 201,
  "body": [
      "type": "ExpressionStatement",
      "start": 179,
      "end": 201,
      "expression": {
        "type": "AssignmentExpression",
        "start": 179,
        "end": 200,
        "operator": "=",
        "left": {
          "type": "MemberExpression",
          "start": 179,
          "end": 193,
          "object": {
            "type": "Identifier",
            "start": 179,
            "end": 185,
            "name": "module"
          "property": {
            "type": "Identifier",
            "start": 186,
            "end": 193,
            "name": "exports"
          "computed": false,
          "optional": false
        "right": {
          "type": "Identifier",
          "start": 196,
          "end": 200,
          "name": "test"
  "sourceType": "module"


  0, (function () {})()


  "type": "Program",
  "start": 0,
  "end": 46,
  "body": [
      "type": "ExpressionStatement",
      "start": 0,
      "end": 46,
      "expression": {
        "type": "CallExpression",
        "start": 0,
        "end": 46,
        "callee": {
          "type": "FunctionExpression",
          "start": 4,
          "end": 17,
          "id": null,
          "expression": false,
          "generator": false,
          "async": false,
          "params": [
              "type": "Identifier",
              "start": 13,
              "end": 14,
              "name": "e"
          "body": {
            "type": "BlockStatement",
            "start": 15,
            "end": 17,
            "body": []
        "arguments": [
            "type": "Literal",
            "start": 23,
            "end": 24,
            "value": 0,
            "raw": "0"
            "type": "CallExpression",
            "start": 26,
            "end": 44,
            "callee": {
              "type": "FunctionExpression",
              "start": 27,
              "end": 41,
              "id": null,
              "expression": false,
              "generator": false,
              "async": false,
              "params": [],
              "body": {
                "type": "BlockStatement",
                "start": 39,
                "end": 41,
                "body": []
            "arguments": [],
            "optional": false
        "optional": false
  "sourceType": "module"

上面举例了两种写法以及对应的 AST 生成结果,对照 webpack-bundle-analyzer 这部分的源码,按照个人理解,作者\枚举了 webpack 输出产物的几种结构,通过编写对应的解析方法来实现对依赖的获取。

因而parseBundle 函数的作用是为了分析出依赖的代码块,这个代码块就是最终构建产物,也就是某个 JS 文件中的一段代码,在构建过程中 JS 文件里的代码都是字符串,因而就是对字符串的切割。通过 AST 分析得到的结构中有 start,end 两个属性,这两个属性代表着一个代码块在源文件中的位置,所以使用 slice(start, end) 也就可以拿到对应 模块 的实际代码。


  modules, // 获取 modules
  src: content, // 内容
  runtimeSrc: getBundleRuntime(content, walkState.locations) // 没有包含 modules 的 bundle 产物代码


看一下输出结果:bundleInfo 一共输出了三次,符合之前的过滤结果。那像这些 0a3c 已经被编号过的 module 如何跟实际的 node_modules 内的文件相关联呢?继续往下看👇

3. 遍历 assets 属性,开始组装对象

// bundleStats 就是 stats.json() 的内容
const assets = bundleStats.assets.reduce((result, statAsset) => {
    // If asset is a childAsset, then calculate appropriate bundle modules by looking through stats.children
    const assetBundles = statAsset.isChild ? getChildAssetBundles(bundleStats, statAsset.name) : bundleStats;
    const modules = assetBundles ? getBundleModules(assetBundles) : []; // 所有的 modules 合集
    const asset = result[statAsset.name] = _.pick(statAsset, 'size');
    const assetSources = bundlesSources && _.has(bundlesSources, statAsset.name) ?
        bundlesSources[statAsset.name] : null;

    if (assetSources) {
        asset.parsedSize = Buffer.byteLength(assetSources.src);
        asset.gzipSize = gzipSize.sync(assetSources.src);

    // Picking modules from current bundle script
    // 根据 chunks(数组) 字段来进行过滤 statAssets 和 statModule 都含有 chunks 进行比对
    const assetModules = modules.filter(statModule => assetHasModule(statAsset, statModule));

    // Adding parsed sources
    if (parsedModules) {
        const unparsedEntryModules = [];

        for (const statModule of assetModules) {
            if (parsedModules[statModule.id]) {
                statModule.parsedSrc = parsedModules[statModule.id]; // 提取先前 ast 解析的 module
            } else if (isEntryModule(statModule)) { // 根据 depth 为 0判断是否为入口 module

        // Webpack 5 changed bundle format and now entry modules are concatenated and located at the end of it.
        // Because of this they basically become a concatenated module, for which we can't even precisely determine its
        // parsed source as it's located in the same scope as all Webpack runtime helpers.
        if (unparsedEntryModules.length && assetSources) {
            if (unparsedEntryModules.length === 1) {
                // So if there is only one entry we consider its parsed source to be all the bundle code excluding code
                // from parsed modules.
                unparsedEntryModules[0].parsedSrc = assetSources.runtimeSrc;
            } else {
                // If there are multiple entry points we move all of them under synthetic concatenated module.
                _.pullAll(assetModules, unparsedEntryModules);
                    identifier: './entry modules',
                    name: './entry modules',
                    modules: unparsedEntryModules,
                    size: unparsedEntryModules.reduce((totalSize, module) => totalSize + module.size, 0),
                    parsedSrc: assetSources.runtimeSrc

    asset.modules = assetModules;
    asset.tree = createModulesTree(asset.modules);
    return result;
}, {});

function getChildAssetBundles(bundleStats, assetName) {
    return (bundleStats.children || []).find((c) =>

function getBundleModules(bundleStats) {
    return _(bundleStats.chunks)
        .map('modules') // chunks 下的 modules 数组和 bundleStats.modules 合并
        // Filtering out Webpack's runtime modules as they don't have ids and can't be parsed (introduced in Webpack 5)

// 判断资源是否包含 module
function assetHasModule(statAsset, statModule) {
    // Checking if this module is the part of asset chunks
    return (statModule.chunks || []).some(moduleChunk =>

function isEntryModule(statModule) {
    return statModule.depth === 0;

function isRuntimeModule(statModule) {
    return statModule.moduleType === 'runtime';

function createModulesTree(modules) {
    const root = new Folder('.');
    modules.forEach(module => root.addModule(module));
    return root;

3.1 createModulesTree 实现

function createModulesTree(modules) {
    const root = new Folder('.');
    modules.forEach(module => root.addModule(module));
    return root;

该函数遍历的是每一个 module,如下图所示,此时的 module 的结构:

module 结构
module 结构

观察 name 字段,一个是带 multi 一个是不带的。

看一下 addModule 运行的结果:

运行 addModule

getModulePathParts() 通过对 name 字段的拆分,构造文件夹来对应文件的归属。

addModule(moduleData) {
    const pathParts = getModulePathParts(moduleData); // 生成真实路径数组

    if (!pathParts) {

    const [folders, fileName] = [pathParts.slice(0, -1), _.last(pathParts)]; // 如果 name 是带有 multi ,则 folders 为空, filename 则为 multi ./src/main.js
    let currentFolder = this; // 刚开始为调用者的节点,也就是 root

    // 遍历文件夹路径数组,目的是为了创建所有的子文件夹节点
    folders.forEach(folderName => {
      // 或者这个文件夹下是否已经有子文件夹
      let childNode = currentFolder.getChild(folderName);

      if (
        // Folder is not created yet
        // 文件夹没有被创建过,则创建
        !childNode ||
        // In some situations (invalid usage of dynamic `require()`) webpack generates a module with empty require
        // context, but it's moduleId points to a directory in filesystem.
        // In this case we replace this `File` node with `Folder`.
        // See `test/stats/with-invalid-dynamic-require.json` as an example.
        !(childNode instanceof Folder)
      ) {
        childNode = currentFolder.addChildFolder(new Folder(folderName));

      currentFolder = childNode; // 替换为当前的文件夹节点,继而判断当前所在的节点下是否有子节点(文件夹)

    const ModuleConstructor = moduleData.modules ? ConcatenatedModule : Module; // 赋值对象引用
    const module = new ModuleConstructor(fileName, moduleData, this); // 实例化对象
    currentFolder.addChildModule(module); // 调用父类的 addChildModule 设置当前文件夹下的依赖

这块的代码核心是递归,构造每一个目录和对应的文件:录了个视频,看起来更直观,通过 debug 的方式。来看最终生成的产物:

